donderdag 5 november 2015

''Redemption Day Is Not Installed" seeks no forgiveness, just being...

A while back, I already shared a couple of blogposts on my fascination for rodents and rodent-like creatures, especially rabbits and hares. They have played a significant part in my artwork and keep on doing so. Such is the case with my series ''Redemption Day Is Not Installed'', which also deals with another recurring theme in Witty Art: guilt and redemption.

Guilt is a theme, I explored before in series such as ''H.U.R.T.'', ''Unforgiven'' and ''Blame'' and has fueled a lot of The Singles as well. This time I wanted to take a step further and take different approach. To add more layers of depth by using not only ink and watercolors but by using pencil, charcoal and conté crayon as well, playing with both the softness and the harshness of each medium.

I wanted to visualise the uncompromising character of guilt, especially undeserved and (often) self-inflicted guilt and how it's almost impossible to break free of it. And how to redeem oneself can be an obligation that has the potential to turn into a burden itself.

I hope I have managed to achieve all that with this series. Personally, I think I did and that ''Redemption Day Is Not Installed'' is one of my most powerful series of artwork I have made so far. And as the images are so strong, and the issues addressed to me are extremely meaningful, I will definitely say I will continue to work on this series for a long, long time to come.

Perhaps, untill my very own Redemption Day is near...  

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