vrijdag 21 februari 2014

'The Singles': the more abstract, darker world of Witty Art?


Recently, I created another page on this blog, featuring an overview of my so-called 'more autonomous works'. Or, as I call them: 'Singles'. These are all individual works that are no part of any series. Each work has its own title and they are more or like ''stand alone images'', though, they are too, somewhere, somehow,  intertwined and interconnected with each other.

These ''Singles'' belong to what some people call my more abstract, darker world. And sometimes this part of my work is affectionately refered to as ''Witty Art Dark'' (as whereas the ''Series'' are known as ''Witty Art Light). Well, I can live with this somewhat artificial ''divide'', as it's true that the ''Singles'' are definitely coming from somewhere deep inside of me. It's this kind of work that comes to me without any thinking or planning ahead, the images just pop up as the pen or brush touches the paper or canvas. It just goes from there. Pure instinct, I suppose. If that's ''dark'', then so be it!

Same goes for the titles. They appear ''out of nowhere'', though every now and then I can see where they are coming from. More than often the source is an (online) documentary or film or a piece of music that is playing in the background. For me, the combination of image and title is absolutely crucial. It's like giving each work an individual name. Without it, they are not complete and can't be shown to the world. For whatever reason, that is something I feel very strongly about. Should I ever produce an art work that would go ''untitled'', that'd be an huge exception - but then again, nothing's impossible.

Well, I invite you to have a close look and judge for yourself. And I am always open to feedback. If you feel like it, let me know what you think!

You can find all these and more ''Singles'' on this blogpage.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Great explanation of how an artist creates a work of art... out of the dark subconscious, comes the light. I'd only start worrying about the 'divide' if people called your work 'art lite' because superficial (lite) it sure ain't. Keep up the good work Ms Witty, here on your blog and in your art. I often enjoy what you have created and one day hope to have one of your superb Singles smiling down at me from my office wall...

    1. Thank you! That is so kind of you - well, I've heard my ''lighter'' work only appearing to be ''seemingly superficial'' in the sense it looks lighthearted and then people look a bit deeper .. well, since it really is (mostly) about (human) relationships, it's often the case of looking beyond the surface - or not .. I am sure there will be a Witty Art Single waiting here just for you!
