
dinsdag 15 december 2015

'Silent Screamin' for cryin' out loud!

Just a little series I made a while ago. ''Silent Screamin'' consists of six parts so far, but to be honest, there is one older drawing that I consider to be the ''prequel'' to this series of drawings. That one was sold a couple of years ago and unfortunately, I currenlty do not have a proper digital version of it at hand, so I am not able to show it to you all. But will make sure of that in the near future! 

Anyway, as far as this little series go, I think they are strong enough to speak for themselves: 

''Silent Screamin', For Cryin' Out Loud!''

donderdag 10 december 2015

'Sweet Unbearable You': the unwilling object of too much loving affection

Now, on to another series I created earlier this year: "Sweet Unbearable You'', which, for me, is all about idolisation and the effect it has on people: on both an over-adoring fandom as well as the object of their adoration, as the relationship between the two becomes more and more inseparable and more than once, increasingly uncomfortable.

Somehow, I think the images speak for themselves, really. And yes, this is yet another series I want to explore further. To be continued!

Old versus New Tools: Let's Ink & Get Inked!

Old versus New Tools. I am always a bit reluctant to get rid of old pens, brushes, and so on. So much Witty Art has been created with those, it feels almost ungrateful to replace them, to reject them even, just because they have served their time... But... at the same time, I feel immensily excited and eager to get to work with brand new tools, and now even more so because... Finally, I can work again, create new Witty Art with my most treasured materials. 

Let's Ink & Get Inked!