vrijdag 28 oktober 2016

'She Will... Always Be Your Mama' spotted and SOLD!

Just posting some random selection of work I created over the last two months - with one of the artworks pictured above even being sold without ever having been on display, except on Instagram, where it was spotted by a long-term Witty Art follower! Apparently, she had wanted to purchase one for a long time, but was never really able to make choice (a dilemma I've heard a lot of Witty Art fans going on about) - untill she saw this one: 

Now, this buyer is a devoted mother of two herself, and knowing the great pride and joy she takes in her kids and how protective she is of them, yet also carefully encouraging them to make their own mistakes and learn from it, slowly letting them out from underneath her wings, but always there and prepared to cover them up if need be - I can see why she was instantly drawn to this particular drawing. 

And yes, I did make this drawing with the echo of my own mother firmly in the background, an vivid image of the powerful bond between a mother and her child, as I myself, the youngest from a family of six, always knew and for always will know, that 'She Will Always Be MY Mama, no matter what...''.

So, I was one extremely happy and proud artist when I got to hand over this piece of Witty Art to its happy new owner, as this moment, for me, added a new layer to the drawing, a new chapter to its story. And from here, it will continue to grow even further. Well, who's the proud mama now, huh?


dinsdag 18 oktober 2016

Witty Art has left Ani & Haakien after a well recevied one-month soloshow

Today was the very last day of my solo showcase at Hostel Ani & Haakien. A selection of Witty Art had been on the wall since the opening on September 15th and after just over a month, it was time to pick up my work and make way for new art selected by Pica Pica 010. 

Also, it's time to take the two 'Lost Bears' I sold during the opening, to their happy new homes, as I know their arrival is eagerly awaited for by their new owners. More of that, soon! 

I'd like to thank the following persons in particular: 
Ani & Haakien's Joyce Brouwer and Danielle Linscheer for their hospitality and kindness, as well as all other staff of absolutely the cosiest hostel in town, and naturally, a special mention for Diva Suzy La Cubanita! 
Marcel Kamphuis from Pica Pica010 for organising it all! 
Alrizki Marino for making such a spontaneous video interview
All those who came by and had a look at my artwork, including all guests of Ani & Haakien whom I had the pleasure of meeting and exchaging thoughts on art, creativity and life. 



woensdag 12 oktober 2016

Exhibition at private art gallery Lijnbaan 140 ends after almost 3 months!


On October 9th, private gallery Lijnbaan 140 The Hague organised a small, but quaint and cosy closer of the group exhibtion that had been on display throughout all Summer, from July 3rd. So, nearly a full 3 months later, it was time for one last gathering of the participating artists. And still, quite some people took the opportunity to go and visit the artshow and had a good look at the art displayed, including mine. Again, that made for some good conversations and some nice new contacts.

I would like to thank owner Ellen Tuyn for all the great work she put into organising the exhibition (while running her own AirBnB at the same venue at the same time), the other participating artists for sharing their work with mine and all visitors having come and seen all of our work and Witty Art in particular!

The good thing is, she decided to keep some Witty Art herself by giving one of my precious 'Lost Bears' a loving new home - which marked the beginning of what eventually will be The Lijnbaan 140 Art Collection. And knowing Ellen's taste for good art, this will no doubt grow out to be one collection you might want to see for yourself, one day!

zaterdag 1 oktober 2016

De PDF van mijn Straatnieuws-interview is online!

(for my English followers, please scroll below for a brief summary of this blogpost)

In een vorige blogpost schreef ik over het interview met mij voor Straatnieuws Rotterdam-Den Haag, het maandelijkse magazine over, met en voor dak- en thuislozen. Goed nieuws voor diegenen die 'm gemist hebben: de voorlaatste editie van Straatnieuws, met daarin het interview met ondergetekende, staat nu online!

De PDF is nu beschikbaar via de Straatnieuws-website of hier op dit blog.

Voor diegenen die liever meteen het interview met mij willen lezen, zie hieronder of download de PDF er van hier op dit blog.

Nogmaals veel dank aan interviewer Kim Meeuwissen voor de kans om mijn verhaal te mogen doen en het respectvolle en integeren wijze optekenen daarvan. Want, het is zeker niet altijd makkelijk om zo open en eerlijk over mijn situatie te kunnen, te mogen zijn. Hoewel ik altijd positief probeer te blijven en mij realiseer dat mijn situatie niet onoverkomelijk is en het altijd stukken erger kan, is het net zo goed een continu uitdaging om de kop niet te laten hangen en vooruit te kijken.

Zonder de steun van een aantal bijzondere personen zou ik dat ook niet zeker niet gekund hebben - en nog steeds niet kunnen. Want het is nog niet gedaan. Ik ben zeker op de weg terug, en uitermate gemotiveerd om te blijven ondernemen en vanuit dat ondernemerschap bij te blijven dragen aan weliswaar ludieke maar ook maatschappelijke relevante projecten, zoals ik doe met en voor Studio PuRRR, Dogparade010, Stage Alliantie en 010StageMarktplaats, Radio Brasa, de Zorgvrijstaat Rotterdam-West, etc.- ik ben er nog niet.

En bij alles houd ik in gedachten de inspirerende quote uit de zogenaamde speech van auteur J.K. Rowling voor de jaarlijkse meeting van The Harvard Alumni Association in 2008, getiteld: “The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination,” at the Annual Meeting of the Harvard Alumni Association:

“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.”

En daar kan ik me alleen maar een volle 100% bij aansluiten - net zoals bij al het overige uit deze speech, die het belang benadrukt van durven en kunnen falen; en van de verbeelding als bron voor nieuwe inspiratie en inzichten. Bekijk de volledige speech hieronder.

For my English followers: In a previous blogpost I wrote about the interview with me that was published in the Dutch version of 'The Big Issue''': the monthly paper Straatnieuws Rotterdam-Den Haag, a magazine published on behalf of and sold by homeless or vulnerably housed people. Now that a new issue has been released, the edition featuring my interview has been published online, too. Unfortunately, this interview is in Dutch only for now, but I am working on a translation or at least a brief summary of it in English.

But, what I can and will share with you now, is the fact I drew much inspiration and strength from a quote from author J.K. Rowling, when she delivered her Commencement Address, “The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination,” at the Annual Meeting of the Harvard Alumni Association:

“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.” 

Speaking from having been and still bouncing back from my very own rock bottom, I could not agree more.