woensdag 20 augustus 2014

Motherly, Smotherly Love but love none the less: ''Mummies' Dearest''

Another recent series that saw the light is ''Mummies' Dearest''. I have not yet dedicated an individual blogpost to this series, but as it's turned out to be one of my own personal favourites, I feel it's now time to write one. 

''Mummies' Dearest'' is all about a Mummy's enduring, all-consuming love for ''her'' little ones. Perhaps, not at all very healthy love. You could call it motherly, smotherly love, I suppose. But, nonetheless, still love. And in a cold, heartless, even dystopian world, any kind of love will do. Even for 'Mummmies'. 

Despite its rather heavy subject, somehow, I thoroughly enjoyed creating this series. I just took a liking towards the main character in the drawings, as she (yes, she is definitely a she, well, to me she is - feel free to think or feel otherwise) has some definite charm about her appearance, even though the whole scenery contains something disturbing. 

As someone recenty told me: ''Charmingly disturbing or disturbingly cute, can't exactly pinpoint what it is about your work in general and definitely about this series - but, for me, it's one of those two.''

For now, I have finished the first six drawings. There will be more. This is one of those series I feel I am not done with yet. It'll be interesting to see how this one will develop itself further. Will this end badly, like ''too much love will kill you in the end'' kinda thing or is there some kind of an escape route. Or is it really all that bad? 

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