donderdag 3 april 2014

'Series' page updated with ''Unforgiven'' and ''Mummies' Dearest''

Just updated the 'Series' page, adding a two piece created last year: ''Unforgiven'', and a whole new series I only recently started, called 'Mummies' Dearest.'' 

You can view the whole updated Series page by clicking here. ''Mummies' Dearest'', being the most recent series, will appear at top; for ''Unforgiven'', please scroll down a bit further.

About both series:

''Mummies' Dearest'' is all about a Mummy's enduring, all-consuming love for ''her'' little ones. Perhaps, not at all very healthy love - but, nonetheless, still love. And in a cold, heartless, even dystopian world, any bit of love will do.

''Unforgiven'' was highly inspired by a quote taken from the book ''Crime and Punishment'', a creation of the great Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevski:

To go wrong in one's own way is better then to go right in someone else's.

For now, I consider this two-piece to be finished, but you never know, I might change my mind in the future and some new images will appear in my mind. 


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